Our Clinics

  • Blood Pressure Monitoring (Health Care Assistants)
  • Travel Advice (Nursing Team)
  • Asthma (Nursing Team)
  • Heart Disease (Nursing Team)
  • Diabetes (Nursing Team)
  • Respiratory (Nursing Team)
  • High Blood Pressure (Nursing Team)
  • Smears (Nursing Team)
  • Family Planning and Contraception Advice (GP and Nursing Team)
  • Child Health Surveillance (Health Visitors & GP)
  • Childhood Vaccination (Health Visitors)
  • Ante-natal Clinics (Community Midwives & GP)
  • Smoking Cessation (Nursing Team)
  • Secondary Coronary Prevention (Nursing Team)
  • Physio (Physiotherapist and GP)

To make an appointment for any of the above please call reception on 01436 673366. If you are looking to book your first antenatal appointment please call 0141 232 4005.

It is recommended that all patients 50 years and over or those with chronic heart or lung disease or diabetes have an annual flu vaccination each autumn.

Other Services


Patients are now able to access physio first appointments via our reception team for new MSK problems. Patients can access the Musculoskeletal advice line on 0800 917 9390 (currently unavailable due to COVID resources).

Minor Surgery

Several of our GPs perform minor surgery at the medical centre. We advise patients to come in to be assessed first and if appropriate we will then book you in for your procedure.  Minor surgical procedures usually take around 20-30minutes depending on what is being done.  Rest assured, we fully explain anything that we do and allow you to ask any questions that arise.